Student Ambassadors & Mentors
NERUPI Working Group interested in student ambassadors and mentors, both their impact on participants in outreach and student success initiatives and the impact of being part of a scheme on the ambassadors and mentors themselves.
Knowledge, Attainment & Pedagogy
NERUPI Working Group interested in knowledge, attainment and pedagogy in widening participation.
Engaging Parents & Carers
NERUPI Working Group interested in activity and evaluation around engaging parents and carers in outreach and student success.
Student and Staff Race and Ethnic Equity Group (SsREE)
NERUPI Working Group, formerly know as BAME Student Experiences Group, with a focus on the experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic students and staff in terms of access to higher education, student success, degree outcomes and graduate progression,
Student Voice Working Group
The primary focus of this group is to explore strategies to include the invaluable perspective of Student Voice in rigorous evaluation and analysis of widening participation and equity programmes
Creative HE working group
This new NERUPI working group is designed as a space for colleagues working in both specialist and larger HEIs to discuss issues and share practice related to the design, evaluation and delivery of interventions to support access, success and progression in creative higher education.