NERUPI Convention 2023: The Power of Partnership
Date: 13th September 2023
Location: Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Please note this event is for Members onlyNERUPI was delighted to invite members to its fifth annual convention which took place at the Friends House on Wednesday 13 September 2023. Our Convention 2023 with it's theme of the Power of Partnership was opened with an address from John Blake, Director for Fair Access and Participation at the Office for Students. Members presented some of the excellent partnership work that is already taking place and, throught he day we explored how research and evaluation can contribute to greater equity and inclusion.
As well as stimulating discussion with our guest panel and an exciting programme of presentations from NERUPI colleagues, a great range of poster presentations was displayed in communal areas throughout the day. Poster presenters will be on hand by their posters during registration (where possible), at refreshments breaks and through lunch to discuss their work with interested colleagues. Let's learn from each other.
You can learn more about our speakers and presenters here: