Happy New Year. We hope you had a good break and are ready for 2025. As you know we have a series of exciting events lined up for NERUPI members including an in-person session on 20th March for evaluators and managers. But our first event is next week on the 14 January so book now to reserve your place.
- WORKING WITH BOYS & YOUNG MEN – online, 14 January 09.30 – 13.00. Book HERE
In this event Alex Blower from Boys’ Impact, will introduce the complex interplay of challenges facing young working-class men as they negotiate their identities in compulsory education. It will deepen understanding of the role of masculinity and inequality in the likelihood of young men engaging in the classroom, alongside introducing innovative approaches to meeting the challenge as educators. With practice examples from University of Sussex and University of East Anglia, along with the opportunity to develop meaningful strategies for change in your context facilitated by Jon Rainford and Joanne Moore this will be a great way to start the new year.
- LEARNING, TEACHING & AWARDING GAPS – online, 23 January 14.00 – 16.00. Book HERE
At this first session in 2025 for the Knowledge, Attainment & Pedagogy Working Group we are delighted to welcome Dr Eileen Pollard from Manchester Metropolitan University. Eileen will explore the development and implementation of the Curriculum Design for Addressing Awarding Gaps framework at Manchester Met. The framework is structured around three core questions: who are your students? how are you assessing them? what kind of graduate do you want to produce? It was designed in response to work at Manchester Met to address ethnicity awarding gaps but the approach, which draws on the work of Paul Ashwin and colleagues, can be applied to improve learning and teaching approaches for any marginalised groups.
We have been talking to some of you who are not sure the Peer Evaluation Course is for them because of the time commitment. There are two in-person workshops, three online sessions and a residential plus a Peer Review. This runs from July to September but is spaced out in this way so that you can fit in yourSUMMER HOLIDAYS. The course is carefully designed to minimise the amount of time you need to spend to build up the evidence needed for a peer review. We are planning the 2025 course now and guest contributors who will include John Blake, OfS and Jon Rainford, Although it doesn’t start until the 8 April we will keep the group small so do send in your expressions of interest as soon as possible.
Annette and the NERUPI Team