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OfS Standards of Evidence Project

Posted on: February 24, 2025

NERUPI made a successful bid to the UKRI Policy Support Fund to explore the feasibility of Enhancements to the Office for Students (OfS) Standards of Evaluation Evidence for Access and Participation Plans.

The OfS Standards of Evaluation guidance now need reviewing to reflect changes in the OfS requirements for evaluation of Access and Participation Plans. With the support of the OfS we are working with seven NERUPI members, carefully selected to reflect the diversity of the sector, to explore the types of evidence required to support effective activity planning, evidence-based decision making, evaluation practice and knowledge transfer. The findings will provide useful information for the OfS in developing guidance on evaluation for universities in England; improve the effectiveness of evaluation and investment decisions; contribute to a more equitable and inclusive higher education sector.

The project are : University of East London; University of Hertfordshire; Leeds Conservatoire;;London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE); Loughborough University; University of Law; University of Sussex. We are working as a community of praxis to evaluate outcomes and impact in organisational contexts, aiming for a participatory process that will facilitate collaborative evidence and agreement on effective approaches to support WP effective evaluation.

The project is supported by an expert Reference Group of

Matt Dickson, Professor of Economic and Social Policy, University of Bath, Tony Moss, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience, London South Bank University; Kathleen Quinlan, Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Kent; Manuel Madriaga, Professor in Education, University of Nottingham; Anna Anthony, Director of HEAT
Liz Thomas, Associate Dean Learning & Teaching, University of York